Viking Vacuum Packers are number 1 in the Industry leaders for 40 years world for quality, reliability and functionality

Case Studies

Goolwa Pipi Co have been supplying premium hand-harvested pipis, or cockles, to the industry since 2002. However, to respond to an increased local and international demand for their product, a solution to extend shelf life for the delicate shellfish had to be found.

With a successful retail operation going in Hawthorn, Sam Canning set his sights on expanding into Kew with a second store. Having leased an old chemist shop (350m2), Sam made plans to develop the site into a larger retail store with extended back of house processing area.

In June 2014, the team at Hardwick’s Meatworks approached Viking Food Solutions for advice on how they could maximize their Vacuum Packaging capacity in a new boning room that they were designing for construction in 2015.

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